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A trip out


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Well as I have been having problems with my Mount I was kindly invited to Rosliston Astronomy Group to meet up with Nick (cotterless45) and Lee (LeeB) found out it was nothing at all to do with the mount it was me spinning the OTA during Alignment.  After Lee had checked my collimation which was a tad out we set up with quite a few other people (Very friendly group) Polar aligned and did 2 star alignment everything was in the FOV M13,M92,M27,M57 all at 66x Mag. Nick came over and showed me NGC 457 (Owl Cluster) NGC 6992 ( Eastern Veil) NGC 6695 both these with a UHC filter lovely sight finished on M31 looked brilliant we did try M51 but there was a bit of cloud about which was a shame hopefully see it at Hereford, Had to leave then as it was a 2 hour drive home but It was well worth the trek to meet up with such knowledgeable people. Looking forward to SGL12 meet up again. I would like to thank Lee who gave me a Barlow Lens and is collimating my Laser for me.

Clear Skies


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It was a worthwhile trip one daft thing setting my alignment up. Now I can look forward to some really good nights, it is always a pleasure and a great learning adventure to meet up with Nck, Lee is goto man for all things mounts and Lasers and between them they sorted me out wherever I pointed the object was in the FOV, I have the biggest smile you can have just knowing I can get out there and view everything now.

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