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Lunt 1.25" solar wedge with 80/152mm fracs

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Recently acquired a 1.25" solar wedge thanks to FLO, did originally plan for 2" due to larger aperture scope but upon speaking to Lunt the 1.25" is perfectly adequate.

Had a brief play yesterday, tried in the APM 152mm ED frac first with 12mm EP, continuum and polarising filters double stacked. Never used a polarising before, you just rotate the EP and contrast dims / brightens which is very useful as with no clouds the view can get quite bright. Unfortunately sunspots were minimal apart from a tiny one on top left area of view. Couldn't make out too much although the view was nice and sharp in moments of clear seeing. The overall sun had a noticeable mottled pattern from activity and this detail wasn't noticeable when using solar film in a smaller frac. One think i did notice, the red heat sink really got hot if touched (i.e. cup of tea type hot) - didnt sizzle if put wet finger on but you certainly couldnt keep finger on it - glad its well built and engineered :) This quickly cooled when sun went behind clouds. 

Next tried in SW 80mm ED Frac, again pleasing views although couldnt make out too much given little solar activity so will have to wait to next time to compare with a suitably sized sun spot. The wedge didnt get half as hot this time, not that its an issue at all - more of observation.

Next tried both combinations with WO binoviewers, TV Powermate 2.5x and 2x Baader zoom 8-24. Best views were 12/16/20mm views - increased zoom seemed to slightly soften the view, although worked perfectly well. The weight of equipment means you need to rebalance scope to prevent slippage. 

Overall 80mm: Compared to solar film (only had this for 80mm) the wedge does give noticeably extra detail in sun 'body' and nice sharp view although too early to tell if extra detail in sunspots

Overall 152mm: Extra contrast/brightness hence polarising filter definitely recommended, as is the continuum filter- again too early for sunspots though still got good level of sharpness on the tiny one that spotted - look forward to session with bigger spot so can see what if any extra detail this gives. Only observation is extra heat on wedge, seemed to hold fine for 15m or so had this aimed at the sun. 

Will post update once get another session in.




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Very nice report. I use the Lunt wedge on a ST102 and seeing permitting I am very happy with the views. I don't have a problem with the heat of the red disc, but the 152 aperture wil obviously increase the light gathered.

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