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What goes around, comes around?


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Hi Everyone:

I was intrigued to hear from spaceweather.com that in about 11 days the active regions that graced us last week may be coming around the limb for another pass. I thought to myself, that would be a good time to take a work vacation! I would imagine that some of the major spots survive the far side of the sun, and re-incarnate. I know that they are then given new AR numbers. Does anyone have any more information about this phenomenon?


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Some of the groups will hang on that long and come back for a second pass. It tends to be only the largest and most active groups and in my experience they tend to be a shadow of their former selves by the time they come back. 2565/7 was a nice group but I would (personally) be surprised if it makes it back in a form that is more than just a couple of dying spots.

I occasionally look at this site to track big spots around the farside but admit that I am not entirely convinced of the reliability of the information.


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