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Firmware update or waste of time?

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Hi All,

I have a neximage 5 and its fine for capturing planets and things are slowly improving. I want to move over and start to capture dso. Now I know this is not the camera for the job but am sure you can flash the firmware with the dfk72 firmware to give it a shove in the right direction.


My old friend google has let me down and for the life of me I cannot find the firmware for a dfk72.


Has anyone here managed to flash the nex 5 with this firmware (is it fairly straight forward) and will it improve things or just be a waste of time and also has anyone got a link to the firmware.


I know in reality I should buy a dso dedicated cam but the tin is well and truly empty.




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[Welcome from just down the road, btw.]

I believe Imaging Source have software downloadable that will do the firmware upgrade for you, but I can't find a link for it at the moment.  They seem to have had a bit of a redesign of their website since I last looked.  The firmware is available from their github site I believe: https://github.com/TheImagingSource/tiscamera/tree/master/data/firmware/usb2
(I think the github code can be used for flashing the camera on Linux, if you're up to that.)

My recollection is that the TIS firmware may increase the maximum exposure time which will help with DSO imaging, but unfortunately the tiny pixel size won't help you at all.  Starting with some of the brighter globs might be a plan to see how that goes.


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