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Intersting videos for arduino builders


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So, i've been really getting into customised arduino builds over the past couple of months. Found these videos on youtube that could be very useful for anyone doing projects using ATMEGA  controllers, especially if you want to build custom circuit boards to host ATMEGA controllers..

DIY Home made Arduino | Arduino Uno

1-Day Project: Build Your Own Arduino Uno for $5

I especially like this one
How-To: Shrinkify Your Arduino Projects

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Thank you for those :)  Some things I knew but some I didn't - I guess I'm not that much of an Arduino expert :D  That "Tiny" chip looks very interesting. 

I have been looking into using the ATMega328P chip and have already used it with the external crystal and 2 capacitors.  It can also be used without crystal and caps by uploading a special bootloader but I haven't tried that.  Several of my projects can use a cut down version of the Arduino and don't need all the facilities the full board supplies.  I have some battery operated items in mind and reducing the load is important for long use per charge.  Many things only need the USB for uploading the sketch and after that work fine without.

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20 minutes ago, Gina said:

Many things only need the USB for uploading the sketch and after that work fine without.

Yeah, i never actually looked too closely at the ISP sketch... looks rather handy now :D

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I've ordered a prototyping shield for the Uno with the idea of trying the ATMega328 without crystal et al, using the special bootloader.  I already have a ZIF socket.

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I gave up watching the Ben Heck show because, it seems to me, he uses so much kit to make his projects they are out of reach for mere mortals like me.

I've included a couple of grotty pictures of my programmer I made years ago for the 328p. I've since made a more basic one for 8 pin chips but didn't have too much success using the Arduino ISP programmer to program them. I should have used by Atmel ISP programmer to try but that was packed away in the loft.

My programmer uses an 8Mhz ceramic resonator instead of a crystal, you can get away not using the 20pf capacitors with one of those.

Back when the Arduino first came out we didn't have cheap Chinese clones available so it was much cheaper to make your own.





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