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Astronomik light pollution cls clip filter

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Hi all, 

I want to buy a light pollution filter as I live in the heart of a city, I heard light pollution filters will help me so I thought about the astronomik cls filter. Is this product good and effective? I will be using it with a unmodded dslr. 


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On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 20:55, skywatcher58gb said:

As advised check the type of street lights that is polluting your sky, these filters only work on sodium (orange/yellow)  type elements. 

If there are any new LED lights or other white lights they do not work.



Echo this. I bought one and the results have disappointed. But until I read the above, I didn't realise it was because our streets lights are modern LED type. But then I should have perhaps realised given it is a new development.  

But one local bonus; enlightened Colchester Borough Council now switch off all of our local street lights at around 1:00am. Sadly, 80% of the population want them switched back on citing crime rates, but local burglaries have been falling as the crooks move into far easier fraud and cyber crime. Also, some neighbours are flooding the skies with unsatisfactory lighting. Not sure where this will end.

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