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Was going to start a separate thread, but thought perhaps it would be ok to ask a question here concerning connecting a mount to the laptop for EQ mosaic hope that's ok.

I have a jack that came with my ZWO camera that connects to the guide port on my NEQ6 I also have a input on my laptop that looks similar. I tried connecting this Jack and although it goes in, it doesn't click into position the way it does the mount. Do I need a jack that has two different connections on either end here ? I think I can count 8 pins on the laptop, but the mount connects with 6 ?

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2 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Was going to start a separate thread, but thought perhaps it would be ok to ask a question here concerning connecting a mount to the laptop for EQ mosaic hope that's ok.

I have a jack that came with my ZWO camera that connects to the guide port on my NEQ6 I also have a input on my laptop that looks similar. I tried connecting this Jack and although it goes in, it doesn't click into position the way it does the mount. Do I need a jack that has two different connections on either end here ? I think I can count 8 pins on the laptop, but the mount connects with 6 ?

The camera will have two ports on it. One will be the ST4 port and the other some version of a USB port, the manual supplied with the camera will confirm which is which. To use the camera for imaging you just need the USB port.

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22 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The camera will have two ports on it. One will be the ST4 port and the other some version of a USB port, the manual supplied with the camera will confirm which is which. To use the camera for imaging you just need the USB port.


Yeah I clearly need to get a ST4 to usb then. The ports on a laptop are not compatible with ST4 ports even though they look similar The Ethernet ports have more pins. Looks like I will have to purchase one. Unless anyone knows if a ST4 port lead can go into usb adapter.

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14 minutes ago, neil phillips said:


Yeah I clearly need to get a ST4 to usb then. The ports on a laptop are not compatible with ST4 ports even though they look similar The Ethernet ports have more pins. Looks like I will have to purchase one. Unless anyone knows if a ST4 port lead can go into usb adapter.

I think you have misunderstood me. The ST4 port is for autoguiding only, this port is usually connected to the corresponding ST4 port on the mount using a ST4 cable (normally supplied with the camera). The USB port connects the camera to the laptop, using a standard USB cable, for imaging or sending a video stream back to the guiding software and then returning a guiding command back to the mount via the ST4 port on the camera. If you don't want to or can't use the ST4 port on the camera you will need an autoguider interface (like this one). 

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2 hours ago, Cornelius Varley said:

I think you have misunderstood me. The ST4 port is for autoguiding only, this port is usually connected to the corresponding ST4 port on the mount using a ST4 cable (normally supplied with the camera). The USB port connects the camera to the laptop, using a standard USB cable, for imaging or sending a video stream back to the guiding software and then returning a guiding command back to the mount via the ST4 port on the camera. If you don't want to or can't use the ST4 port on the camera you will need an autoguider interface (like this one). 

Yes your right I have never used the st4 port before as I don't do deepsky, so have never guided ever. I am clearly not understanding the procedure. So to connect the mount to eq mosaic software I can use the ST4 port on the mount, connect that to the camera, and via usb go into the laptop from the camera which will send commands back to the mount. Do I have the correct ? Sorry for the dumb questions, but as mentioned I have never done this before

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29 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Yes your right I have never used the st4 port before as I don't do deepsky, so have never guided ever. I am clearly not understanding the procedure. So to connect the mount to eq mosaic software I can use the ST4 port on the mount, connect that to the camera, and via usb go into the laptop from the camera which will send commands back to the mount. Do I have the correct ? Sorry for the dumb questions, but as mentioned I have never done this before

If you are using the camera as a guide camera then yes, this is the way to do it. You will also need to connect the laptop to the mount through either the handset and serial data cable  or an EQDIR module and EQMOD to get control of the mount for slewing in EQmosaic

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22 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Cheers Peter

so how do i connect  the laptop to the mount through  the handset and serial data cable  ?

probably a dumb question, But I have never had to do anything like this, as I haven't used this kind of software before.

The normal path is laptop > USB/serial adapter > serial data cable (cream/grey cable supplied with mount for updating firmware) > handset (middle socket on v3 handsets) > normal handset to mount cable > mount.

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1 hour ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The normal path is laptop > USB/serial adapter > serial data cable (cream/grey cable supplied with mount for updating firmware) > handset (middle socket on v3 handsets) > normal handset to mount cable > mount.

Ok thanks again Peter its helpful info


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Hi Neil,

For connecting to EQMod, I'd recommend an EQDirect conection (e.g., https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/hitecastro-eqdir-adapter.html). This negates the need for the handbox as your planetarium software will handle alignment. Your ZWO is not part of the equation (other than for imaging or guiding) - it's the mount to PC connection that you need.

Presume you've looked at all the helpful videos and documents on the EQMod website?


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5 hours ago, Jokehoba said:

Presume you've looked at all the helpful videos and documents on the EQMod website?


Hi John.

I have briefly looked at the site, but need to do it again, and will need to do it again step by step when its time to start trying to use the software install drivers and such.

All I really want to do is use EQ Mosaic. Because although I have done mosaics many times manually,And one whole moon mosaic once.

 I want to up my game, I now have a much better lunar camera than my old DMK, and want to try doing very high resolution under good seeing, mapping large areas, and the entire lunar landscape in one go.

Its not too bad doing this manually at medium Focal lengths, but at the focal lengths I am thinking of experimenting with, I will need to map the lunar landscape, figuring how long it will take, my time window and not missing a piece.

When you say planetarium software, I was under the impression all I needed was the EQ mosaic interface. I certainly for the time being want to keep things as simple as possible.

Switching to a new camera and using firecapture is taking me time to get my head around that. So that I start to do it like second nature. haven't had first light yet. so I am a bit away from that ideal as yet. But it will come.

So basically I want to keep things as simple as I can for now. I am most interested in that. But will listen to any advice from those that know the ropes on this kind of thing. Knowing what I am trying to achieve. What do you think I should do John ?

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Hi Neil,

You are right that a planetarium program is not required for EQmosaic to function, but if you use an EQDirect connection for mount to PC then your handbox is not available. If you intend connecting through your handbox as suggested by Cornelius above then you'll be fine but that extra cable introduces another point of failure in your setup.

I've always used an EQDirect connection to my NEQ6, and a wireless game-pad as my controller, which keeps cables to a minimum. Slewing to targets with Stellarium is just point and click, and allows multiple alignment points. 

Sounds like you haven't installed EQMod yet. IMO fully implementing EQMod keeps everything simple and straightforward. 


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6 hours ago, Jokehoba said:

Hi Neil,

You are right that a planetarium program is not required for EQmosaic to function, but if you use an EQDirect connection for mount to PC then your handbox is not available. If you intend connecting through your handbox as suggested by Cornelius above then you'll be fine but that extra cable introduces another point of failure in your setup.

I've always used an EQDirect connection to my NEQ6, and a wireless game-pad as my controller, which keeps cables to a minimum. Slewing to targets with Stellarium is just point and click, and allows multiple alignment points. 

Sounds like you haven't installed EQMod yet. IMO fully implementing EQMod keeps everything simple and straightforward. 


Ok John cheers for the extra info. I will have a think about it. First thing I want to do is test the camera out on the moon as soon as I can. When I have that under my belt I am going to start using EQ mosaic. But that will only be needed when I am certain that I want to do Hi res full globe mapping. Really need to see what focal length differences I am getting with the new cam, lots of experimenting with gain and exposures. to see what's working best at any given focal length. Its daunting but exciting at the same time. I am certain this camera will be a game changer for me. About three weeks and the moon might be in a reasonable position. For some early tests


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