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Skywatcher 120ED Field Flattening

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Hello Troops, 


I'm after a little bit of advice.  I currently run with a 200PDS and a WO66SD on my losmandy G11.  I've got an MPCC in the 200PDS, and a WO Field Flattener for the 66, can't remember which model, but it's a 0.8 reducer, and I think is either a Mk2 or Mk3.

I've just taken delivery of a beautiful Skywatcher 120 DS, with a moonlite focuser.  Before I shell out for the skywatcher matched field flattener, is it worth my trying out the WO flattener? or do you think I'll be wasting my time?  I think I know that the answer, as so often in this hobby, will result in more packages arriving at my front door from FLO...

I should add, I currently image with a modded 1100d, if that makes a difference.





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