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17mm Ethos in the post


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The 17mm was my first Ethos as well. It still gives me the "wow", even in the company of all its siblings. Can't imagine you not loving yours. Enjoy!


P.S. You're now off the slippery slope; from here on down, the drop is vertical.


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Mars, thank you. The postal tracker is indicating that I should receive the eyepiece today :happy7: of course this will make the day seem even longer but at least I will have something extra to look forward to.

Yong, thank you too. They are certainly very imposing, almost like the Mr universe of the eyepiece world :happy7:

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3 hours ago, faulksy said:

so when are you getting this real scope then :happy10:

Mike, I am planning on getting a Dob ( if that is what you mean :happy7:) Just after Christmas when the skies are nice and dark and your goolies turn to stone with the cold :dink:

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Just read Ethos get lonely so it will need company. On the A B&S front I sent about 10 e-mails for a mount for a friend here, and I am still waiting a reply, that was two years ago.

Good luck with the eyepiece, I am away on Hols for 10 days now fully expect to see threads announcing other Ethos'ssss in the case when I return:happy5:.


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5 hours ago, Pig said:

Mike, I am planning on getting a Dob ( if that is what you mean :happy7:) Just after Christmas when the skies are nice and dark and your goolies turn to stone with the cold :dink:

wait till you look through our dobs at sw :happy10: you will get one sooner

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