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That's nice! I would balance up the channels in PS to remove the red in the sky. And possibly select just the neb and enhance the colours without affecting the background, or maybe use a mask. You could also do a copy layer, change the blending mode to Colour and then play around with Saturation and Gaussian Blur.


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Alex is right, there is a colour imbalance here which should be rectifiable. Also, the nebula itself can be pushed a bit harder to brighten it against the background. Got to love the ED80 and its ability to keep stars under some kind of control with a DSLR.

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for only one hrs subs it's pretty good but I think it'd been pushed too far. I would either back way off the streching and accept that you are limited by the amount of data you have or get a shedload more data...you know you want to :)



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