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I pushed the big blue button again......


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With the success (at least in my mind) of the Crab nebula image & M101 I decided that it was time to couple a full frame camera, the Atik 11000, to the on axis guider. Problem was that the model I purchased would only go as far as medium sized sensors so an upgrade was needed. I just blew the best part of £1500.00 on the full frame upgrade- and I'm not even sure if the results will be worthy of the investment but I think I did enough research. I will let you know how I get on. The part I upgraded to is below:


When you factor in the adapters needed from precise parts & the various vendor required adapters you can kiss over £1500.00 goodbye but if the results are as good as it's little brother the results could be stunning- so watch this space-as my flexible friend once again winces with shock.....and wife $'s are once again polished and offered on the altar of forgiveness.........


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9 hours ago, StargeezerTim said:

Are you attending your AA meetings ? (Astronomers Anonymous)

Its the only cure for astroholicism I know that works... barring tearing up all credit cards, demolishing computers and locking yourself in your house. 


I got it really bad.....I start shaking if I don't get my astro fix.....shiny things make it better!

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Just out of curiosity from someone who can't afford a CCD imaging camera yet (or is happy enough with his Pentax), why would you put a 3995Pound camera (current FLO price) on the guider to look at a single star? Sounds to me like a Ferrari only to go to the milk bar around the corner...

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35 minutes ago, hjw said:

Just out of curiosity from someone who can't afford a CCD imaging camera yet (or is happy enough with his Pentax), why would you put a 3995Pound camera (current FLO price) on the guider to look at a single star? Sounds to me like a Ferrari only to go to the milk bar around the corner...

You have no understanding of the technology being presented. Sometimes it is better to say nothing at all than to speak or write..................

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32 minutes ago, hjw said:

Just out of curiosity from someone who can't afford a CCD imaging camera yet (or is happy enough with his Pentax), why would you put a 3995Pound camera (current FLO price) on the guider to look at a single star? Sounds to me like a Ferrari only to go to the milk bar around the corner...

Because, as far as I can tell, the ONAG uses a dichroic 45 degree beam-splitter to send the visible part of the spectrum to the imaging camera and a near infra-red part to the guide camera, so both camera can see the whole field.

Clever really, but I would prefer to go unguided, which is why I have a DDM60 incoming.

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I do think that this has been posted in the wrong part of the forum and as I understand it Imaging - Deep Sky is for images..... there are other parts of the imaging section for more discussion topics. To that end I've reported this post so that it can be moved if appropriate...... if not then I apologise for my misunderstanding what the Imaging - Deep Sky area is for.

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As others have mentioned, sections such as imaging deep sky/lunar/solar etc are for showcasing images. for this reason we have decided to move it to the imaging discussions section.

As for asking people not to post in your thread, please do not do that. every member has the right to comment on any thread as long as they believe it is relevent. you are more than welcome to ignore any member you feel fit to but not dictate who comments in a thread.

as this thread is going nowhere it is being closed. feel free to start another one in the correct section

The mod team

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