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baader filters cheap and the slightly more expensive,are they worth it

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just looking to purchase a set of filters for a zwo filter wheel but just wondered what the difference was between those at £75 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/rgb-filters-filter-sets/baader-rgb-filter-set-with-ir-cut.html and those at £211 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/rgb-filters-filter-sets/baader-lrgbc-ccd-filter-set.html,are they really worth the difference cheers,for dso and planetary on an ed80 and c8 edge


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I have the 2nd set - and they're great!

The coatings are different, they are coated and polished separately, rather than cut from a large sheets, thinner glass....

If you can afford the 2nd set go for it!

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They're two very different technologies.  The first are old-fashioned, dyed glass.  The second set utilize interference coatings to achieve higher transmission and sharper cutoffs for each passband.

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