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Deciding on a telescope

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I have an opportunity to purchase a new SkyWatcher 8" S11610 today for less than $200 (without stand).

I can build a base, so that's not too much of an issue for me.

I was originally looking to buy either a Celestron PowerSeeker 127EQ or a Celestron AstroMaster 114EQ.

This is my first scope and I want to get as much bang-for-the-buck as possible.  

Or, is the SkyWatcher just too large and unwieldy?


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Hello and welcome to SGL. The SW 8" Skyliner is a far better telescope than either of the two you mentioned and at less than $200 will be a steal. I wouldn't even think of purchasing the smaller telescopes if you have an opportunity to get an 8" reflector. 

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Thank you all.  I got the 8" Skywatcher DOB.  No stand, so I made my own.  Came out great if I do say so myself.

And, on my first night...  I got goose bumps as I brought Saturn into view and was able to clearly see the rings.

Then came Jupiter and its moons.  Amazing. 

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