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Mak n Frac

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Ok, so I now have my dream team of a SW 150 Mak and my ST80.

My current ep set is a mix of Baader Orthos (6 & 10mm) and a Vixen NPL 30mm. I have other stock sizes but I don't generally use those anymore (does anyone??). Anyway, my birthday is coming up and luckily friends and family are offering to buy me some additional eps. I'd rather go with better eye relief than the Orthos so am thinking either BST or X-Cel to replace them (I love my NPL but they will have same issue below 15mm) and add other medium sizes - 12/15 and 20mm. But, I want to be sure that the eps will perform as good in both scopes so do these seem a good fit - I'm aiming around the £50-60 range per ep?

Oh, I'd also like to stick to a single brand if possible because I'm ocd like that... ?

Help much appreciated.

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Of the 2 brands mentioned I would say the BST's. The Mak will be a long focal length ahd there is a bit better selection at the longer focal lengths in the BST's.

The BST's are 5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 25.

The X-Cel-LX's are 5, 7, 9, 12, 18, 25.

Not going to be "simple" as the 2 scopes are about as diffeent as you can get. As eye relief is a factor I think the BST's are stated as 16mm and the X-Cel-LX's as 18mm. However that difference may be from where the eye relief is determined or measured as it can fall into 2 options. From the top surface of the top eyepiece lens or from the optical centre of the top eyepiece lens.

Not sure of the offerings in the Altair Astro range, but I suspect not sufficent for the Mak as I know they have 3, 5, 6 and 9 so likely aimed at the shorter planetary end of astronomy.

I wouldn't lose the NPL 30mm could still be useful.


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The BST types will be fine in the mak -  but not sure how well they would hold up in your ST80. Like you I find plossls and ortho.  work well in mine.  I'd probably recommend a vixen SLV which have great eye relief and will match the ortho for views. A cheaper alternative would be another mid length  NPL with a good barlow - like the baader Q



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23 hours ago, Sirius Starwatcher said:

I have been very happy with my BST,s then someone suggested the Vixen  SLV for my Mak 150 so I bought the 10 mm. I have noticed a big difference with the vixen and will now embark on replacing some of my BST,s. 

Interesting. I was gonna go with a number of BST's as my range, replacing my Baader classics and possibly my NPL BUT I really love the 30mm NPL so I may just stick with Vixen and upgrade to the SLVs. I may go down the Baader Barlow route too but I'm resisting the urge to Barlow cos of the rubbish cheapo experience of em Ive had in the past...

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I love my NPL's. I have 8,15 and 30mm. Ive also got a 25mm SLV. I personally get on very well with the eye relief of the Vixens (i wear glasses but never when observing). I mainly use my Hyperion 8-24mm zoom now, but my Vixens are never too far away. Sharp to the edge that i can see and give brilliant contrast. My 30mm NPL is my work horse when hunding down DSO because it is simply brilliant at showing up faint shades (all 50 of them) of grey against the blackness of space. 

When i grow up (and get back into observing full time).......i would love to have the complete collection of NPL's.

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5 minutes ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

I love my NPL's. I have 8,15 and 30mm. Ive also got a 25mm SLV. I personally get on very well with the eye relief of the Vixens (i wear glasses but never when observing). I mainly use my Hyperion 8-24mm zoom now, but my Vixens are never too far away. Sharp to the edge that i can see and give brilliant contrast. My 30mm NPL is my work horse when hunding down DSO because it is simply brilliant at showing up faint shades (all 50 of them) of grey against the blackness of space. 

When i grow up (and get back into observing full time).......i would love to have the complete collection of NPL's.

Paul, how do you find the 8mm NPL for eye relief?

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17 minutes ago, Dazzyt66 said:

Paul, how do you find the 8mm NPL for eye relief?

The same as all my others......no problem. I do not twist the eye cups up on any of them. I'm an eyeball to glass kind of guy. It works for me. It may not work for everyone. A popular choice of EP which costs about the same as the Vixen NPL's but offer better eye relief is the BST's. I cant tell you the number of times over the yrs i have seen their name being brought up. 

I'd love to even try one myself. 8mm is my planetary limit. I wont go any higher in magnification. I'd love to buy an 8mm BST and compare it to the 8mm NPL. Many people say the views between both is very similar......but the BST has the edge because of better eye relief.

Just checked out the 8mm BST. As i thought, they are about the same price as the NPL but give a better eye relief and are 60 degrees FOV against the 50 degrees of the NPL.  I just about pulled the trigger on one, but its summer, doesnt get dark till about 10pm (right now........closer to 11pm as we go into July/August). I havent done much astronomy in the last 9 months (health). Might leave it til Autumn and get one.

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1 minute ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

The same as all my others......no problem. I do not twist the eye cups up on any of them. I'm an eyeball to glass kind of guy. It works for me. It may not work for everyone. A popular choice of EP which costs about the same as the Vixen NPL's but offer better eye relief is the BST's. I cant tell you the number of times over the yrs i have seen their name being brought up. 

I'd love to even try one myself. 8mm is my planetary limit. I wont go any higher in magnification. I'd love to buy an 8mm BST and compare it to the 8mm NPL. Many people say the views between both is very similar......but the BST has the edge because of better eye relief.

Yeah, that's why I had BSTs in my mind... But I do love my NPL! Lol

TBH the reason why I'd like the longer eye relief is so I have the option to keep my glasses on. I can observe without but it's a right off on off on pain when I need to see maps etc close up.

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I tend not to use star charts etc. I dont even use the Go-To function on my 8SE. I like mostly to wander around the universe and see what catches my eye. Obviously i do research certain objects i wish to observe before i go out. I star hop using "sign posts" which i am very familiar with.

For you (in this case).....i think the 8mm BST would be a wise choice. I personally have never and probably will never leave my glasses on while observing. Its just something ive never done....even when using bins.

I see an 8mm BST in my near future.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1 June 2016 at 20:19, LukeSkywatcher said:

The same as all my others......no problem. I do not twist the eye cups up on any of them. I'm an eyeball to glass kind of guy. It works for me. It may not work for everyone. A popular choice of EP which costs about the same as the Vixen NPL's but offer better eye relief is the BST's. I cant tell you the number of times over the yrs i have seen their name being brought up. 

I'd love to even try one myself. 8mm is my planetary limit. I wont go any higher in magnification. I'd love to buy an 8mm BST and compare it to the 8mm NPL. Many people say the views between both is very similar......but the BST has the edge because of better eye relief.

Just checked out the 8mm BST. As i thought, they are about the same price as the NPL but give a better eye relief and are 60 degrees FOV against the 50 degrees of the NPL.  I just about pulled the trigger on one, but its summer, doesnt get dark till about 10pm (right now........closer to 11pm as we go into July/August). I havent done much astronomy in the last 9 months (health). Might leave it til Autumn and get one.

Just an update on this. I've purchased the 8mm and 12mm BSTs now so will let you know how I get on... If I ever see a clear sky again that is... Off to the New Forest camping over the weekend and even that isn't looking promising at the moment ?

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