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Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas

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Only just seen this post and was swayed (I'm easily swayed :lol: ) to order one from the book depository too. £7.66 delivered!

Cheers for the heads up, Martin

Saw this post yesterday and did the same- got an e-mail today from the Book Depository "ALL SOLD !" :shocked:

Got one anyway from another dealer, same-ish price :)


Looks like you started a "run"

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I've got the little collins one, not spiral bound, but very comprehensive i think, and tiny.

Is the s&t one really so good that i should have that one as well?

I have so many books....and so few clear nights..

Here's the top half of one of the PSA pages for you to compare to Collins. :shocked:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Whilst on the subject of books, I came across this. How To Photograph The Moon & Planets With Your Digital Camera.


Ok, not what you would call professional standard astrophotograpy, but a good learning curve for anyone wanting to get into astrophotography on a limited budget for starters.

So rather than just look through your scope, try taking some simple photos as well, which is better than nothing. As long as you have got a decent digital camera, a reasonable aperture scope (min 6" reflector) and camera software on your computer, for enhancing your photos, then you are on your way to starting astrophotography. Then when you win the lottery, you can go out and buy your 15" scope, expensive SLR camera and get down to some serious photograpy.


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I received mine yesterday and I'm very pleased with it.

Not bigger than it needs to be, but very clear and detailed. Only snag is that for me the southern hemisphere is unneccessary, but I'm not complaining - when I finally get the opportunity to witness southern skies, PSA can be my guide!


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I received mine yesterday and I'm very pleased with it.

Not bigger than it needs to be, but very clear and detailed. Only snag is that for me the southern hemisphere is unneccessary, but I'm not complaining - when I finally get the opportunity to witness southern skies, PSA can be my guide!


The Southern Hemisphere is uneccessay, until you win the lottery Andrew and decide to have a holiday in Australia or New Zealand, where a whole new star system unfolds before you. The Southern Cross and the Magellan Clouds are a sight to behold. I spent two years in Singapore and visited areas all over the Pacific including Aussie, New Zealand to name a few, when I was in the navy. Okay I only had a pair of binoculars at the time, but looking through them from on board ship, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (No light polution) it's amazing what you can see. Even with the naked eye, the Southern Hemisphere is ablaze with stars.


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I would have thought that The Book Depository had sold out of these by now, but you can still get them from here and they are the best buy. Log on to Amazon. Type in Pocket Sky Atlas and look at New & Used.

The Book Depository has them at £5.71


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Turns out there were two mis-printed charts. One was the Corona Borealis area of Chart 55, and the other was the 'Siamese Twins' area of Chart C (which is a close-up of the VIR/COM cluster). Here are before/after versions of both. The misprinted areas are only the size of a thumbprint.. easy enough to pen in the corrections. :lol:

It's been a pleasure to help... have fun with your new atlas! :clouds1:

edit.. might help if I attach the charts. :hello2:

No need to update if you have the second printing of this book, as the charts quoted have been corrected.


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