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Which second scope?

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Hi guys,


I'm relatively new to this - just got my first scope (Skywatcher 130p) last Christmas but am enjoying and think I've already been bitten by the dreaded aperture fever!


Am now looking at my next scope and thinking about either 10 or 12inch dob.  My questions are - would the view from the 12 inch be worth the extra cost?  I'm relatively young and fit (still playing rugby on the odd weekend, and relatively strong) so I assume the 12 inch wouldn't be too much to handle.


I would love an Orion Optics VX12 but think that's out of my price range for now so lookig at the GSO deluxe ones. Is that a sensible choice?  Or should I be thinking about something else entirely?


I live in a fairly suburban area, right on the coast - light pollution map has me in an orange zone if that makes any difference.


Thanks for any advice!



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Hi Andy, a Skywatcher 12" Flextube, manual would make for a good choice and complementary alternative to your 130. Will require the light shroud, use at home and if you get the opportunity then take to a dark sky location occasionally by which it will really impress.


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That's my review and I stand by it, but I would add one thing.

The Dob base is not as smooth as I would like, but a small price to pay for the portability of the scope. 

Regarding the eyepiece issue, the major expense is a Paracorr. Once that is taken care of, using any halfway decent eyepiece will do. Of course, quality eyepieces DO improve the views. 

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Eyepiece wise, I've already got a set of BST starguiders that I've bought for my 130p - from what I understand they should be fine as long as I stick to f5 or slower (the vx12 or probably vx14 by that time is a long way off because I know I'll nees to upgrade all my eyepieces in the meantime)


Budget is somewhere round the £500 - £700 mark.  I'll upgrade with telrad/raci later, that's not included in that budget.


Scope will predominantly be used at home which is why I was thinking closed tube, assume they'd hold collimation better.  Think I should still be able to get a decent size tube in my qashqai with the seats down if I do want to take of anywhere

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1 minute ago, ollypenrice said:

My thought is that, rather than replace the scope, you look into efficient ways of getting to a darker site. A small scope at a dark site simply trounces a big scope at a bad site.


Totally echo that comment.  I have been fortunate to observe in some of the darkest places on earth, often taking one of my 4" or smaller refractors with me.  Under those amazing conditions, they show just as much as my C11 from suburban UK.

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Another option if you are considering an OO UK VX model on a dobsonian mount would be the VX10, which at F4.8 will be acceptable still for eyepieces. This scope will be highly versatile and fine for using at home / easy transport if you can be persuaded to go to dark skies. The excellent figured mirrors, good quality build - that ought not require modifications or upgrades and lighter weight / slimmer profile will make this set up very attractive. The Hilux coatings do project the scope to feel as though it is bigger in aperture compared to alternatives. Might still be over your budget, unless you are able to stretch a bit further and consider as a long term investment, additionally keep a watch on second hand listings. 

The scope as is often said, can be or is usually just the beginning, many on here including myself, take several years of buying and selling gradually building up a kit. 

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Rather than going wider, have you thought of going longer?

I don't know what mount your 130P is on, but how about adding one of these for lunar and planetary?


Well within your budget with spare for better EPs if you want.

The 180 would give you more, but at £750 is over budget, and might be too much for whatever mount you have.

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