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M51 in a moonlight sky


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My effort at M51 last night, 20x200s on my modded DSLR, SW200PDS QHY5L-II on my new QHY Mini guidescope.  I'm quite happy with it from the very bright moonlit sky!  I get so little time for AP so gutted the moon was out but oh well.

Stacked in DSS and Astroart for comparison... AA did not seem to like my flats but DSS did.  Oh well.  So 20xDarks 20xFlats and bias and processed in Photoshop.

By the way Astroart does a lovely auto white balance to bring out some lovely blues (even if it does ignore my flats!), but I can't seem to recreate it in PS, and tips?

Best Yet M51.jpg

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