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Baader Solar Film vs Baader Zeiss Herschel Wedge


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I've been reading this tread with interest, some great work and time spent here stu, much appreciated!  I've said before that my 72mm ed and wedge gave me view here in the uk that are comparable to the film and 80mm achro I took to corfu.. The quality of image and equipment compensating for the poorer seeing conditions I guess.. 


Just on filters I think it is very personal, I said in John's earlier thread that my astronomik uhc was terrible for WL where as the oiii is very good.. I seem to recall the equivalent skywatcher offerings were both not too bad with the oiii just the better of the two..


Since reading this having itchy fingers I've splashed out on the SC.. will be interesting to compare the two.. 


I have to say I don't notice the green of the oiii after a while, be interesting to see if, as jetstream has observed, the image morphing to yellow in my minds eye...


Great write up stu, and clear sky's everyone for the 9th (and beyond for that matter)



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1 hour ago, Piero said:

Interesting. With my Lunt, the green filter #58 I have is better than my UHC or OIII.

I guess we are comparing too many variables to make reliable conclusions in here though..

Different types of filters, different telescopes, different eyes, different sky conditions and possibly different tastes?

That's very true Piero, I did say it wasn't very scientific!!

Ill check if I've got a #58 but I don't think I do. I'll try the continuum vs #56 though if the sun stays out

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Very interesting thread. I've not managed 1st light yet with my 1.25" Lunt Herschel Wedge but soon will, hopefully. I'm going to try it with both my ED102 Vixen F/6.5 and my ED120 Skywatcher F/7.5 so it will be interesting to see the difference.

I've been able to see granulation and faculae quite well when using a Baader Solar Film Kendrick filter with the 102mm scope so I'm hoping that the wedge will do a little better again.


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8 minutes ago, John said:

Very interesting thread. I've not managed 1st light yet with my 1.25" Lunt Herschel Wedge but soon will, hopefully. I'm going to try it with both my ED102 Vixen F/6.5 and my ED120 Skywatcher F/7.5 so it will be interesting to see the difference.

I've been able to see granulation and faculae quite well when using a Baader Solar Film Kendrick filter with the 102mm scope so I'm hoping that the wedge will do a little better again.


I think (hope) you will be impressed with the wedge in the 120ED John, provided you have good seeing.

Using the film on the Tak has shown me that it can give very nice images, well worthwhile using, but the wedge does give that bit more.

Do you have a continuum filter?

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1 hour ago, John said:

Not at present Stu but maybe in the future if I find myself doing more solar viewing.


An OIII or UHC will do the trick, but I bet yours are 2" so won't fit the Lunt Wedge?

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