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M51 with ASI224MC

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We had some clear periods last night so I conducted a little experiment with the ASI224MC which I normally use for planetary imaging. I set up my ED80 with the ASI224 to take 60 images (not guided) of 15secs each. This was the result. It was a bit noisey but I did not use any filters and it's clearly not very good but it does show that the 224 is capable of DSO imaging. Next time I would take many more images at 10 secs maybe. I think that the focus was not spot on either as I used the Moon for focus and I should have used a star. Any suggestions about how to improve using this technique would be welcome.



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Nice image.

There are two ways to go with this camera. One way is to use it as a standard DSO imaging camera and go for long exposure times to get more signal; or you can stack LOTS (hundreds, or more than 1000) of short exposures, and use the fact that these cameras have very low read noise.



Good luck.

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I had another play with this last night. I tried 20 secs subs but I found it too noisey. I also reduced the ROI - not a good idea.

If anyone wants to try this I suggest:

Keep your subs below 15 secs and keep your ROI as large as you can. Number of exposures - I would go for at least 200 and preferably much more.

Last nights effort from 100 20 secs subs.


M51 (3)a.jpg

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Thanks for the comments Des. This was just a try out and not intended as a serious image capture and I would not be happy with that standard of image normally. I shall be persuing this in due course but aiming to get hundreds of images at short exposures but it may not happen for a while now.


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  • 5 years later...

I’m very late to this thread but if any are still interested I posted my first experiment on DSOs with the ASI224MC here.


Hope it’s still relevant to some of you. Would appreciate your thoughts if you have time. 


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