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WANTED - very large image of the Moon


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I'm on the committee of my local astronomical society.  We've decided that we want to get some more professional-looking publicity materials to help promote the society and the work we do.

One of the items we want is a pull up banner or two.  We need a very large image of the Moon so that we can get a portion of the image blown up to go on a 200 cm x 80 cm plastic banner (see mock up below).

Unfortunately  we don't have an image that big.  Does anyone have a very large lunar image (almost certainly it will be a large mosaic) that they would allow us to use?  We will of course put full acknowledgement on the poster.



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Hi Michael,

I did a pretty large lunar mosaic recently that might do the job.

If you have a look at my website under the 2015 Lunar section you will find it at the top of the page (link to website below) Ensure you open it at full size and zoom in!! 

Let me know if you think this may be suitable.



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