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HEQ5 Battery

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I want to get a rechargeable battery for my HEQ5. I've currently got a skywatcher 7ah power tank but it doesn't work very well. I'm not keen on getting the 17ah as I've heard mixed views about the power tanks. Can anyone recommend an alternative please? Needs to be reliable and doesn't cost the earth too would be good. My other line of thought is to mains power it, but I'm a bit worried about safety issues.

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What are your concerns regarding powering with mains? I use 2A 12V adapter for my HEQ5 and outdoor extension cable all the time, had no problems so far. I only ensure that adapter is not sitting on the ground (can get wet there - dew issues) but that is easy with type of extension cord that I use - drum kind that rolls cable onto it.

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27 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

What are your concerns regarding powering with mains? I use 2A 12V adapter for my HEQ5 and outdoor extension cable all the time, had no problems so far. I only ensure that adapter is not sitting on the ground (can get wet there - dew issues) but that is easy with type of extension cord that I use - drum kind that rolls cable onto it.

Well I was going to get a maplins 12v mains adapter but then i read something about someones tripod legs having some kind of static in them when mount was connected to mains and it seeming like a bit of a grey area regards the safety of the heq5 connected to mains, there was also the dew safety issue too, so I started thinking about the battery route. I'd prefer to do mains because it will be cheaper for me.

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20 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

You should no problems with using a mains supply if correctly used. You psu could be stored in a suitable box like this one  and a RCD breaker on the mains socket. If you want to go down the battery route large capacity deep cycle leisure or mobility scooter batteries might be another option.

Thanks. I was also thinking about a cool bag to store the electrical stuff in, to stop from getting too cold and therefore protecting from dew, would that work?


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2 minutes ago, bendiddley said:

Thanks. I was also thinking about a cool bag to store the electrical stuff in, to stop from getting too cold and therefore protecting from dew, would that work?


Not sure about a cool bag. The IP boxes use rubber grommets on the cable inlet/outlets to seal the box from moisture.

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59 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

Not sure about a cool bag. The IP boxes use rubber grommets on the cable inlet/outlets to seal the box from moisture.

Will the box protect from dew? Won't dew still form inside if it gets cold enough?

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Regardless of how you power a mount if it is by power from a 240 volt AC supply it should be protected by an RCD. These devices usually trip at 30mA if the load is unbalanced between the positive and negative wires. The imbalance is measured in relation to the earth conductor. i.e. if the positive is carrying say 6.750 amps and the negative is carrying only 6.720 amps then the remainder is leaking some how to earth. This device will save your life if a full earth fault develops as it will trip the supply at 30mA.

So using an AC adapter out in the garden it should be protected by the use of an RCD at all times, remember most gear is made of metal of some kind. 

If possible run everything from  a 12 volt battery it is the safest way! Especially with children around they cannot take the same sort of electric shocks an adult can withstand.


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Well, I've heard the HEQ5 can draw up to around up to 2A of current when slewing, so bear that in mind when choosing a battery or supply.

I considered using mains power, but was worried about using a mains supply in the dampness of the garden. I also favoured using a battery for portability reasons, ie. if I decide to drive out to a dark site sometime. I got this battery on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-55AH-Leisure-Marine-Battery-Low-Height-Low-Profile-SuperBatt-LM55-/201425470325?hash=item2ee5e4c375:g:8hUAAOSwgNRV8WxP

It works very well, doesn't break the bank, stores enough charge to power the mount for hours on end. I got a 12v charger for my laptop as well, however if I connect both the laptop charger and mount at the same time, the battery voltage can drop too low for the mount at times. You will need to buy a battery charger though (ideally a smart charger).

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