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Which MONO camera to buy? Solar Ha, Cak and WL.


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I'm giving some thought to a new camera. I was thinking USB3, but I've now seen the Point Grey GigE cameras - these appear to connect via a Cat5 lead.

Is this correct?

I would like a cameras that I can take FULL disc solar (and lunar) with the PST (FL 400mm and ST102 with Herschel wedge and Lunt CaK wedge (FL 500mm ish).

How do I go about working out the minimum chip size to achieve this? Is there a formula to say that the minimum side of a chip needs to be 6mm or 8mm...

I have bought more cameras than I can poke a stick at over the years and would like to get it right this time.




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As the sun is 0.5 deg in diameter, working at prime focus your chip size must be at least 0.009 x FL (Focal Length) in size (smallest dimension), for a bit more leeway, 0.01 x FL: so a 500mm scope requires a chip with a smallest dimension of 5mm to fit the full disk.

I use the rather bigger ASI174MM (excellent camera) for solar, and use tele-centric lenses to adjust the scale.


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I have a PGBFly that connects by Cat 5 cable which is OK , they did do USB3 at the time but the drivers were a bit flakey so got the ethernet one, would probably get the USB3 version if I bought another one.


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I do like the idea of the Cat5 connection, because it means that I can continue to use my imaging laptop (which is only USB2) - otherwise I need to use the USB3 laptop, which my wife uses for her business.

I also fancied the Atik Infinity > http://www.firstlightoptics.com/atik-cameras/atik-infinity-monocolour-video-astronomy-guiding-imaging-camera.html <, but its out of my budget really.


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