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A little bit of ngc7000


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Clear skies last night, but maxim was playing up and I could not get it to calibrate for guiding, so after an hour or so of messing with it I switched to guidmaster.

By the time I got going it was late( especially as i didn't go out till 11pm) in the end I only managed 10 usable subs and at least three of the 10 used were not good as the dew was terrible even the primary was dewed over by the time I gave in.


(click to enlarge)

This is the lower part of the north American Neb in ha.

taken with a 10" newt.


(click to enlarge)

a map for reference.

Not a great night but it was still good to get out there again honest


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..... and a very nice 'bit' it is too! Some great detail coming out there. I am really looking forward to this object coming into better view so that I can use my new CCD on it as it is a huge object requiring a wide FOV unless you do 'chunks' like this. What is nice about the object is that if you do zoom in on it there is plenty going on as your image shows.

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Cheers guys.

I am really looking forward to this object coming into better view so that I can use my new CCD on it

I look forward to your results as always. :D

Your time will come Rog/Steve. :D


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