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Sketch of Jupiter


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Hello, I tried a sketch of Jupiter and 4 moons at an extreme -22 Celsius outside, I don't know how I did it yet--> (Probably 2 weeks of clouds and sadness gave me this extreme motivation, it was really cold.

So it's my second sketch of Jupiter I used a H and HB mechanical pencils on white paper with a little bit of extra art around.

Seeing was not really good, 111x was the maximum power available for me.


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I have big -80 Celcius boots (Bought on sale) and thick winter clothings, the boots are the most important part. If my feets stay warm it's possible to stand quite a long time. I can stay outside maybe 2 hours at -15 Celcius usually, at -20 it was more like 1 hour, --> the nose gets cold


Acr_Astro yeah you think so for the music?  music is important too (:

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