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D S Stacker can anybody help


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Hi guys

D s stacker can anybody help.

I can take the subs  with my canon 40d and my 80mm tripet apo not too sure about darks I was told i don't need them?.

I create a file in pictures, close file, open DSS to stack subs but when i open the photo file because they are taken in raw I can't see them.

I can put the subs in to D S S to  process them and get a result, but when I come to save  finished photo in the file i created in pictures there is nothing there!

What am I doing wrong any tips  or info would help . Desperate and doing my head in .


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I think that this issue is to do with your software not being able to open RAW images. The Canon software (picture style editor) would be able to open them. Otherwise you can get other software off the internet that will open RAW images.


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