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Heads-Up, New SWANs and DELOs


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........nice. My first was the 6mm which provides the 200x for my particular scope, although I could have Barlowed a 12mm for the same effect!  I'd hoped a 12mm would come first ( one did arrive,  but I was too late, and from the same town too ?) I suppose the 10mm should be the next, to keep the sequence or a 12 if I'm so lucky, and of the two I already  own, I still  need a decent session and conditions to evaluate them further, after-all, their the same focal lengths as my BSTs,  with a  12° wider  afov,  and I still rate those EPs  highly for an f/6 scope. If I keep the Delos EPs they may prove their worth when connected to a faster scope.

That should complete the mini-set :laugh:

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