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dobsonian plan


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Good morning!

I’m Andrea, an Italian astro-amateur.

I first apologize about my English, you know, the average Italian can’t speak a foreign language, so please be kind!!

I’ve always been interested in stars, and always been astonished by the sky.

I started with binoculars, then I grew up with a second-hand Meade Lightbridge, a great 12”.

I really loved it, but I was a little disappointed because of the conditions of the primary mirror and the joints, (rusted and so on).

It was also BIG, I live in a little flat, and the cellar is really tiny.

Then I had an accident, and the LB became too heavy for my injured elbow, so I was lucky to find a buyer who bought it at the same price I bought it myself two years before.

Now I am telescope-less, and my elbow is fine.

I inherited a 10” f/6, only the mirror, without the secondary, and I’d love to build myself a dobsonian.

I’m looking for a design, a plan, or perhaps just some suggestions.

My dream telescope is a truss, lightweight, with a small primary box and high radius altitude bearings, something I could load in car and take with me anytime.

Obviously my dreamscope does exist, named Obsession, but it is DEFINITELY out of my budget.

May you help me? Do you have any thread similar to mine to link me?

If I find some f/6 plan, can I “just” scale it? Or is this idea too ingenuous?

Is mine a realistic and approachable project or should I simply give up and buy something new and out of the box?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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Hi Andrea

Building ones own scope is great fun and I would recommend it to anyone.

Check out this build http://www.garyseronik.com/?q=node/37

I'm sure you could easily scale it up for a 10" mirror. 

As for an Obsession. Don't lose heart, David Kriege (owner of obsession telescopes) wrote a book so the likes of you and me could build their very own obsession telescope ;)


This book tells you exactly how to build an obsession scope :)

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Hi Andrea

Welcome and nice to hear of another build in the planning.

There are plenty about to take ideas from and we're here to give help and encouragement.

Good luck and we'll be following your progress with interest.

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