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As lights block out the night sky, help measure the damage


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Though this was a neat article on New Scientist


The App is called Loss of the Night where you can record what you can see where you live/go. There is an app for both Android and iOS.

The official website is here http://www.myskyatnight.com/#about


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I tried this out last night as I was packing away the scope.

It's pretty intuitive, and seems to work okay. I'm looking forward to doing repeated observations to see how my sky changes over time.

It was pretty clear last night with a Limiting Naked Eye Magnitude of around 5.

Not bad considering that I'm in the middle of a town of roughly 47,000 people.

The Orion Nebula looked spectacular, but I was sad not to be able to pick out some of the galaxies in Uma group, even with the moon out of the way.

Might have to take the new scope out somewhere darker to give myself a treat though!

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