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Celestron Skyris 236C


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Hi all, new to the forum and have a question regarding the Celestron 236C camera.  I recently acquired a Nextstar 8SE and am wanting to get a decent color camera for it to do planetary, solar and lunar imaging.  I've looked at ZWO and Celestron cameras and the 236C seems to be a good compromise and best bang for the buck in that price range.(I can spend up to about $600)  And easiest to work with.    I can find plenty of reviews and info on ASI's but nothing on the Celestron brand which concerns me a little.   Basic question is this a decent camera for the money or should I be looking at something else in that price range?  Any help to this newbe would be appreciated.  

BTW, not my first decent scope but my first one in about 15 years so having to relearn some things so pardon my ignorance in some areas.



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The Celestron cameras seem to fall between the budget end and the costly end.

The problem is that they appear to get thought of as more cost then the budget options and less capable then the costly ones.

Celestron would I guess prefer them to be looked on as less cost then the top end ones and more features then the budgets, but they don't.

The ZWO's seem to be the ones at the moment, I was considering either one of the ASI 174MC, ASI 178MC or the ASI 185MC. Still thinking about it, but realistically need to sort out the mount first. The ASI 174 seems to be a big chip, may actually managed to get the image on the thing at the size given. :grin:

Whatever the reason the Celestron cameras have an apparent low uptake, and as you have found there seems only few if any reviews. May help to dig out the chip specification that is used on the Celestron then search for others that use the same chip. That may enable you to collect further information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi  Stuart .What is your take on this camera.


I was thinking of going for the Celestron  Skyris 236.

I want a dedicated USB 3 planetary camera. 

This looks a lot cheaper. Thanks.


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Steve & Layton the 178 & 185 cams have good specs no doubt but not quite as good as the 224 and their sensors are not massivly larger than the 224 compared say to the 174.

I decided on the 224 for myself purely because its the best planetary cam out there and at a good price.

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