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A couple of Galaxies from last night


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A couple of captures from last night's session. Tried the F3.3 reducer on the RC6 with ok results. Thought I was set up for F4.5 but turns out that it was more like F4.1. It was a windy night so stars are not particularly round (at least, I think thats the reason).

Anyway first up NGC 891 in Andromeda, an 11th mag edge on spiral about 30 million ly away. Second capture is annotated with some galaxies in the same FOV.



Second NGC7640 in Andromeda, a barred spiral also 11th mag and also at a distance of 30 million ly. I couldn't find any evidence that it is part fo the same group as NGC891 but seems like it should be. I left this one stacking while I went for something to eat, resulting in a stack of 74x30 sec. Not sure at what point I would have ceased to get any more benefit but the resulting capture contains stars down to mag 19.0 which seems pretty good for my light polluted location.


Hope you enjoy. :)

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Nice.... 891 is part of the 1023 group and 7640 is in its own group from what I can read but the two groups are the same distance away. Probably formed from the same filament of matter! I was observing galaxies just to the right of your 891 image the other evening.

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Really good captures Rob. Seeing your annotation I couldn't resist seeking out more galaxies and found mag 17.5 PGC 2194478 in your NGC 891 shot just off the NE tip ;-) 


Thanks everyone for the comments.

Martin - thanks for spotting that one, I think I've now found it with the help of Wikisky; its quite star like but visible. Pretty pleased with mag 17.5!  Revised annotation below - have I got the right one? :)


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Nice image. I was out on the same evening and the wind caused my subs to have star trails, smudges and ghost stars appear. PI processing sorted most of it out, but struggled with the cloud which rolled in ;-). NGC 891 is a future target for me. Nice to know you got this detail with 30 sec exposures.

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