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M31 - My Nemesis Andromeda


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I have had problems getting a decent image of M31 due to light pollution and poor seeing but I got this recently and am reasonably happy with it. Took it with the ED80 and modded 1200d - 10 lights at 600secs together with 6 flats, darks and bias. I compared it to the image on the S@N poster and the colours look similar but it's all subjective really I suppose. Any comments welcome.



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Black clipping isn't the way to lose a gradient, really. I know it's tempting but the best way is to try an aggressive dose of DBE in Pixinsight or the Ps plug-in Gradient Xterminator. If push comes to shove you can pull down individual colour channel gradients using a large soft edged Burn tool in Ps set to Shadows.

I think this image shows a strong red bias though the blues are trying to speak out!


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