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Hey, I eventually got there...

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So, my first memories of stars and planets was a giant wall chart of the solar system when I was small. Then it was my grandmas and his 10x20(?) binoculars and the moon. A cheap refractor telescope - and the moon. Then my dads 20x50 binoculars and you guessed it, the moon.

Fast forward 30 years or so (life happened in between) and I was showing my daughters the ISS passing over and.... The moon.

Finally, I have got my first scope - a Firstscope (yes, I know it's more of a toy) - mainly to see what potential a real scope held from my garden.

Wow! The moon looks great (lol) and for the first time I have seen Venus properly in phase (rather than just a really bright light) also Mars and Jupiter - not much to see from my supplied 4mm lens but still got me the bug back. I've attached a pic I took of the moon one afternoon (yes in daylight) on my iPhone held over the lens - pretty good all things considered!

Now saving up for a Skyliner 200p. Even my wife has got the bug a joined me at 4am a couple of mornings as I take advantage of those few clear skies!!

Great forum. Can't wait to see what I will see with the 200 but at the moment I want to push the 'little 'un' to its limits!!!


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Just a few days ago i got a scope too, caught the moon followed by a bright Crescent called venus all with in 15 mins. I have never been so disappointed the moon won't return in full swing for a week atleast here. Be careful about the eye piece buy ive already bought 2, i have gotten a zoom eyepiece and i highly recommend for noobies like ourselves also kids like them too. Clear skies.

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Ditto about the moon lol!!

Yeah, I agree that good eyepieces are a must. My main objective now though is just learning to navigate and star hop - I don't need owt fancy got that to be fun

Oh, did I mention I'll be exploring the moon (again) when it's back lol!

Clear skies!!!

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I like your choice of scope, the Skyliner 200P.........images like this are possible using the Skyline, but by no means perfect yet, still a little more practice required for me, I need /want a larger image from the Nikon (working on that issue).

The half Moon was using a Nikon DSLR and the craters using an Android phone.

Half Moon - Nikon


Craters - HTC- Desire

Welcome to the SGL forums.

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Great to hear of another person joining the ranks.

The moon is a great object always something to see and explore.

To help get the most of our neighbour The Virtual Moon Atlas is well worth downloading(it's a freebie):- http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualmoon/

Also to get some structure into your luna observing the luna 100 is fun.

Good luck and enjoy.

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  • 2 months later...

As its the new year I went back to where I started as a member of the forum. Still have the first scope but also have a 150p, from AstroBoot. Cost me £50 but built a base and love my 'Dobbie' to bits! Have seen things with him I have only dreamed about previously!! No smutty smirks please!!!!

Am about to take delivery of 'Stacey' (ST80) which will bring me a whole new perspective and just to complete the set am hoping to get a 150 mak pro later in the year (he will be called Mak obvs - ok maybe Big Mac [emoji3])!

Yeah, I am like a kid in a toy shop and enjoying it immensely... If it weren't for these damn clouds!!! [emoji30]

Loving every minute of SGL!!!

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