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Which part of the milky we way do we see in the night sky ?


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Or more precisely , what 'arm' ? (i'm talking specifically about the 'glowy' part).
When looking in the summer nights sky from a dark location i can clearly see the wonderful glowing arm of the milky way in the sky and it got me thinking - what am i actually looking at ? 
is it the Perseus arm ? the Sagittarius arm ? neither of those? 
Would love an answer , thank you ! 


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Hey there.. I believe that it depends on the time of year and where you are located that determines exactly what you are looking at on a specific night. But at times, we are looking directly into the center of the Milky Way. And we are looking at the galaxy edge-on, which is why it looks like strip through the sky. The core of the galaxy is in the constellation Sagittarius. This article explains it well, in my opinion.


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Very interesting question. This link does not directly answer it, but does give some useful information about the structure of the spiral arms and where we are located.


More info here which does more directly answer the question


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