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Heart in Ha


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I should have posted this with the colour version but forgot. It combines 3Nm and 7Nm simply because I had both.


Bigger https://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-4fsKZWL/0/O/Heart%20Nebula%20Ha%203%20and%207%20Nm.jpg

There was widespread agreement on the French forum that my red saturation was too high in the HaRGB version so I've toned it down a bit here but I like colour and think this is OK, at least on my monitors.



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Very nice Olly. A morning of inuendo guaranteed then?

To steer it into a different direction one of the French imagers described the original as too sanguine for his taste. Given the function of a heart I should have thought that being a little sanguine ought to be OK!

:grin: lly

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