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First moon, 22nd Sept.


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First time imaging moon with a 6" SCT. 6.3 focal reducer and a Canon 600D. I shot a few movies and used Autostakker to stack them. Couldn't get Registax to handle the .mov file format. Lots of learning required to just convert files :smiley:

I also tried eye-piece projection for the 1st time to get in a bit closer.



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That's a great first attempt well done.

When you are comfortable with the process I suggest to try shooting video in the 600D's special digital video crop mode @ x 3 magnification. You may find that the moon is then too big to fit in one frame so you will need to stitch them together. Microsoft ICE is a free program that will do that for you automatically. There must be an overlap between frames to allow ICE to stitch them together. 

You can convert MOV files to Tiff and other formats using PIPP.

hope that helps

Here is an example using DVCM x 3, ..........http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/253139-moon-219-600d-video-crop-mode-x3-5-panel-mosaic/

I am still experimenting to get the best out of the 600D and the moon is a great subject.

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