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Fireworks Galaxy 07 Sep 15


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Well.....more like a damp squib this one.

Is 1st go at running through my normal PI workflow and am not happy with it (but still going to post anyway)

I feel I may have over done the DBE...as I ran it twice and so have ended up with a not very pleasing image at the end.

Will go back and revisit at a later date and only run DBE once.

Anyway, here are the stats

22 x 300s lights @ ISO 400

18 Darks

31 Flats

50 Bias frames

All work carried out with PI


As always, comments, critiques and pointers are more than welcome

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Always post.

I have no experience with DSLR,S or PI,and you have put a lot of time into this.You have a slight problem with tracking,as the stars show slight elongation.Maybe flex or something.

There maybe tutorials for this kind of workflow,and you need the advice of someone who uses similar equipment.

Thanks for posting though.


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Many thaks for the comment...had not noticed the elongation.

That may be down to the fact that the mount is not 100% secure....is curretnly only held in place across one plane with washers underneath..am going to be looking at a clamping arrangment this weekend to see if I can make it more secure.  Already have a way over engineered plan in mind.

Was following a tutorial workflow for it, which has worked very well on other images (can be seen in here, while I was getting to grips with it).  Only difference was that I only ran the DBE once in the linked image.

WIll put up revisit images when I get round to processing them........

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Harry and Olly have shown that a few (and I mean less than 10!) markers during the DBE process will yield good results. I don't know about you, but when I've used DBE I try to have markers all over the image!! 

Have you tried Automatic Background extraction? I find that works better for me than DBE.

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Not tried Automatic Background Extraction yet...am still gettign to grips with the monster that is PI :grin:

Will have a look at that and see how it goes.

For the DBE on this the image was covered in markers.  Also noticed that when I started stretching the background went very blotchy, so something was not right in there.....still, helps to get to grip snad also work out where things are going wrong and what neds tweaking.

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