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Home library catalogue


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Does anyone have any experience of setting up an electronic home catalogue for books? I've seen there are a few around, but I don't fancy paying a monthly subscription, but at the same time my Excel skills are not particularly hot. Has anyone done something like this?


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Hi James,

In the past I have used Deliscious Library to catalogue my books but it has fallen into disuse, mainly due to me being too lazy to maintain it :rolleyes:

The version I used was DL2 and after spending months getting all of my data into the catalogue I decided to upgrade to DL3, which I didn't like because it caused me more work for the stuff that had been upgraded. I think starting off with DL3 would be a different experience to what I had with upgrading so it might be worth a shot.

It is a one-off license fee rather than a monthly/annual subscription with no obligation to upgrade so is relatively cheap compared to most other apps out there.

There are some nifty little trick in the App such as barcode recognision, automatic links to Amazon for book indexing details & artwork etc. It also works equally well with CDs, DVDs etc and could probably even cope with cataloging Eyepieces!

One of the main reasons I gave up was that my principle book collection on Port and Wine was transformed into BooksAboutPort.com using WordPress blog software.

I really should spend some time cataloging the Astro books I have bought over the past two or three years :smile:

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Derek, thanks. I'll have a look at DL3; I might even have a look at the port and wine collection :)   Many of the books I'd want to include are pre-barcode, so that is less important, but I can still see the value of that.


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One feature I forgot to mention is that if you look for an ISBN or AR (Amazon Reference?) number on Amazon for a book you want to index you can just type the number into DL and it pulls the description and details of the book through from Amazon.com (i.e. the US site).



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