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Affordable wide field eyepiece for an XT8


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I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to seeing through a number of apparently similar eyepieces and comparing them. What I'm looking for is a reasonably priced (in the 150€ range at most) widefield eyepiece for my new Orion f/5.9 xt8. I've been reading some reviews online in my spare time and so far it seems that the Explore Scientific 82° series and the Celestron Luminos enjoy a good reputation among amateur astronomers. Right now my eyepiece rack features a set of Orion Sirius 10mm and 25mm that came with the scope and two Celestron Omni's, 35mm and 15mm. 

I'd love to have some input from you experienced folk to direct me in this fairly important equipment choice.

Thanks a lot!

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You are right about the ES eyepieces, excellent value for the money. As for the Luminos their reviews is a mixed bag. They work good on slower scopes like SCT and not-so-good on fast Dobs, but if you can't afford the ESs get the Luminos.

As a first choice for your scope I'd recommend something like the 11mm ES82, it's within your price range and good for many DSOs.

If you get a 2x Barlow it'll convert your 15mm and 10mm Plossls as well as the 11mm ES82 into good planetary eyepieces, 7.5mm, 5 and 5.5mm.

Also get  something like the 20mm Maxvision for extended and brighter DSOs.

And the 30 or 35mm SW Aero ED SWA as a good finder/wide field eyepiece.

Also look into nebulae filters like UHC and OIII.

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Hi there, for my pennies worth I have one of these at 22mm http://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-eyepieces/sky-watcher-swa-70-eyepieces.html 

It is 70 degrees FOV and is sharp to the edge and most of all is sub £100 in this country so very affordable. I use it as my finder eyepiece, has good eye relief and just is a nice low end costing ep which has high end performance.


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