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Now having finally got my laptop sorted and working again after the W10 shenanigans of the last few days, have the clear skies but now it appears not the clear optics....have been hit by the good old dew problem

What is the best way of helping get rid of it?

Main places I have noticed it forming are on the front glass of guidescope and also on the secondary of the OTA.

Would it be best bet to get a pair of dew tapes and 2 channel controller and add them on?

If so, any recommends that do not break the bank and can be snuck past the Main Gate Guard on astro buys

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Just dew shields should help. I got one of these and used it to make dew / light shields for both my 130pds and 70mm guide scope. It's just a durable, rigid polypropylene sheet which you can easily cut to size with scissors. You can make a shield using some insulation tape and you can tape it in place on the scopes. I think 2 1/2 your tube diameter is a good guide for length needed plus enough extra to go over the end of the tube for fixing in place. I still have a fair bit left over from mine :)


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Did think about the hairdryer.....may be a tad noisy though

Lou....are they easily take off and put back on able? Have cover to throw over my setup at the end if each session so will need to take them off. Did have some foam sheet things but the velcro kept coming off those.

Think I was not helped tonight by imaging a target that had the scope pointing straight up.

Have also decided I need to save for a mono ccd.....currently sat here waiting on darks......oh joy

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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Cheers Lou

Not tried dithering as yet...well other than my general dithering about things but am sure that willnot help my imaging :grin:

I would imagine BYN supports dithering (though I don't know for sure). You can always dither manually...

Here are pics of my dew shields:

First, the (leftover) material:


As you can see it's not very thick but rigid and easy to cut with scissors

Shots of the shields in place:



Close up showing notches:


Guide scope shield removed:


As you can see I've just taped the rolled up material with some white insulating tape. Of course, you could do it neater and maybe even glue it. The shields fit snugly on the ends of the scope tubes but can also be held in place with some tape if wanted/needed.



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Cheers for that Lou...all looks great.

Just ordered that bin thingie so can set about it with my scissors when it arrives.  Think I may stick it all down with some contact adhesive and possibly do some indented cutouts in the main shield so that it drops down and then twists to stay in place with spider screws acting as anchors.

Just looking at the dithering now and working out the best settings for my D7100 and other kit......and off we go again learning new stuff....

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Also make sure any household pets and/or other valuable objects are well out of range, make sure paramedics are standing by and make sure your affairs are in order. You know, just in case... :grin:

Another fairly low-cost solution is one of http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p182_12V-Dew-Remover-Gun---Hair-Dryer-with-Cigarette-Lighter-Cable.html'>these, essentially a toned down 12V hairdryer. It does make some noise so if you're in a very quiet location you will get noticed but in all honesty it really isn't all that loud.


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Have finally got round to making the shield for the OTA.

Pics as follows


Main shield in place (prior to cutting notches)


Detail of the join.  Cut the poly to the correct diameter size and has a strip of same contact adhesived inside of it.  This runs the full  length of the shield so will provide good jointing and support.


The notches cut out around the vane screws.  One bonus I had was that the velcro that I added to the tube when I made a shield out of foam was still in place and provides a very nice interference fit for the new shield.  Fingers crossed it should not move when the scope slews.

Next step is to do same for guidescope, but will be doing this in work as it is 1-easier and 2-will not make my house stink of contact adhesive.

EDIT:- Apologies for the dodgy camera phone pics and also orientation of them too...but you get the general idea

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