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Moon and sky glow filter

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Hello. I just bought the observers accessory kit for bh photo video. Surprisingly, they mixed up the filters a little bit. I was supposed to recieve a blue filter, red filter, and moon filter. When i opened the box, i had everything but a lunar filter. However, a filter called moon and sky glow filter was subsituting it. Im looking at the box with a picture of the filters on it and what i have is definitely not a lunar filter according to the picture. Luckily, i already have a lunar filter from when i first bought my nexstar 6se. I just wanted the eyepieces. Anyway, i am in Toronto, Canada with a lot of light pollution. Will this filter help take out some of the night pollution in the night sky and act like a uhc filter? I am actually really glad they made this mistake because i got the eyepieces and filters kit for $80 and im looking at prices online for moon and glow filters and i see them for $90 each just for the filter! Anyway, thank you for responding : )

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You lucky b@m...

The Moon & Skyglow filter is much better then a lunar filter... It'll increase the contrast and detail in your planetary views, and help you in seeing DSOs. That filters is also known as a Neodymium filter, which is the best type to use as a light pollution filter. It wont work as a UHC filter, since it's contrast is nowhere near as deep, but its a awesome filter nonetheless.

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If the moon & skyglow filter is branded Baader then it's a pretty useful filter. If it's a generic moon & skyglow then it's better than a lunar filter but not quite in the same category as the Baader Neodymium Moon & Skyglow.

As said above, not the same as a UHC or an O-III which are narrowband and line filters and in a different category again, but useful none the less.

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The Baader Neodymium filter works very well for me, I get great views of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with this filter,

before I bought it I didn't really get lot's of detail, but I do now, brings out subtle colour too, I am very pleased with it. 

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The Baader Neodymium filter works very well for me, I get great views of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with this filter,

before I bought it I didn't really get lot's of detail, but I do now, brings out subtle colour too, I am very pleased with it.

Yes it does wonders for the views, but try stacking the Moon and sky glow filter with the Baader Contrast Booster... Again both together have given me views of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter that were so detailed that it'll make a grown man cry, out of one eye because of staring into that eyepiece for so long without blinking... Repeating WOW over and over again... The difference stacking both of those on planetary views compared to nothing is short of amazing, has to be seen to be believed...

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