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Reliable source for Astro software

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Hi All,

I am trying to install Stellarium Scope as part of the process to get  EQMOD?EQASCOM running with Stellarium.

I am getting tired of having to watch downloads of this type to avoid installing PC cleaners, shopping helpers, toolbars, setting default browsers / search engines and the like.

Is there a reliable software repository for stuff like Stellariumscope that will not try to pull the wool over one's eyes by hiding the decline or opt-out buttons?

I take a lot of trouble in keeping my PC clean and clutter-free and am getting frustrated with all this rogue stuff around.

Does, or could, SGL have such a repository for reliable and clean  downloads of free s/w? Stuff like Stellarium, Sharpcap, AS!2, BYE to name but a few?

Mr. Grumpy.

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Hi Mr Grumpy!!,

Surprised having difficulties with stellarium, if you go dirct to :-- http://www.stellarium.org/   it comes down clean, bug free. I think it would be very very difficult for SGL to hold a repository, subsequently keep it up to date, and keep the licence holders happy at the same time. Most of the links you require will be in  here somewhere.


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Thanks all.

In order:

Stellarium wasn't the problem, that came down ok from the official site, it was Stellarium Scope that caused me hassle. I got it originally from www.stellariumscope.software.informer.com, this was a bad download with all the peripheral rubbish attached.

I eventually found the correct download from the welshdragon site.

Sourceforge is (was) typical of a reputable site that acted as such a repository, I was wondering if there were other such "clean" sites.

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I think the problem with a number of the download sites is that it is rather difficult to identify the correct link for the software that you want.  It is often quite obscure and hidden amongst a lot of other big bright download buttons that will instead download the aforementioned junk software.  That's how these sites make their money I guess.

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That is one of the problems, yes, but in this case I pressed the right button, it was the installer that hid the requests to add the other stuff, hoping you click through. The "Decline" button was barely discernible from its background.

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That is one of the problems, yes, but in this case I pressed the right button, it was the installer that hid the requests to add the other stuff, hoping you click through. The "Decline" button was barely discernible from its background.

Ah yes - good point, there's a lot of that about too.  Always worth working your way through the 'custom' rather than the 'express'/'recommended' installation option if you're given the chance.

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