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Hyperion eyepiece projection

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Hi all,

I've just noticed that the "Baader Hyperion eyepiece T-Adaptor (M43-T)" from FLO is only £6.50. I've got a Hyperion 24mm - this would allow me to attach my 350d with t-ring onto the eyepiece, yes?

What difference would this make to image scale as opposed to attaching the 350d using the prime focus method? I'm interested cos that would let me use my 350d with my C8-N and still use my 1.25" neodymium filter.

Thanks ;)


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On the second one - I made a BRIEF foray into eyepiece projection - albeit with modified Webcam.

I used: http://www.aozc64.dsl.pipex.com/software/formulae.htm for the "calculations".

In my understanding the "great unknown" is the position of the nodal point. I reckoned this to be about 1cm (sic!) inside the eye-lens of a Hyperion. But this number seems to be rather crucial to the scale! My webcam can sit quite close to the eye lens, so I was able to get down to almost 1:1 with the 24mm i.e. much as it looks visually. But it seems like an EASY way to rapidly(!) increase image scale, with a little bit of extension. ;)


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Heheh, John - Great minds etc. ;)

Fathoming this stuff out is fun - but, as to 100% purchasing certainty? :)

I must admit I bought a 15mm extension from D.Hinds, just in case (and it was about all they had left!). I note Baader quote some minimum "extension" - I sense to avoid "things" scraping on the Hyperion eye-lens?! Ah well, another "useful thing" I may find... useful ONE day? :(

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hehe Indeed Chris. Thanks for the calculations site, I've bookmarked that. Once the bits have arrived from Steve for my new spc900 I may have to get a few of these Hyperion attachment rings myself for some webcam projection, just in case of course...

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Thanks for all that, Chris and John. Maybe I'll just get one and try it out ;) FLO don't seem to stock the extension tubes or anything, but maybe I wouldn't need one - Baader's brochure labels them as "Recommended"


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Now you're asking. I'm using a Minolta D7 and with it attached to the 8mil Hyp I'm probably getting about 15'x18'. Depends on the chip size in your camera. I can get the central bit of M38 in frame using the 8mil, if I use prime focus I can get all of the cluster plus lots of the surrounding bits.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm sure Bernard at Modern Astronomy or Steve at First Light Optics could hook you up with whatever baader kit you need, Steve at FLO definitely had a baader 40mm extension tube, I ordered one today £11. and I've previously bought baader stuff from Bernard. Baader have a big parts list, really too much for a stockist to hold, so I'm not surprised either of their lists seem a little sparse. The only rings baader don't do are the ones that circle jupiter and saturn :)

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