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Barlowed Laser Collimation?

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I have seen several forms on here and the American version of this website (Cloudy Nights) mentioning laser collimation using a Barlow. I have an Orion deluxe 2 laser collimator, and a Orion shorty x2 Barlow( pictured) and have tried this. Its not working for me. The Barlow just scatters the light! There's not point of reference. Without the Barlow, I have a single point of light hitting my primary to set the secondary, and a single point of light coming back to the collimator tube to set my primary. With the Barlow, the light is scattered everywhere. Am I doing something wrong, or am I missing something? What is the advantage of using a Barlow for this? Thanks!


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You are supposed to adjust the secondary mirror without a barlow first then use the barlowed laser technique to adjust the primary mirror.

On the rear window of your laser, you need to center the primary mirror central spot shadow. 


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