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Old Dog (75) trying to learn new trick -- computer control of telescope

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I would agree with Brantuk, your speeds are usually multiples of 1200, so your choices would start at 1200 then 2400, 4800, 9600 and bizzarely finish at 115,200. These are usually the speeds adopted by the uart.

Try com5, sometimes com3 can be pre-allocated and the IRQ used.

If you are using W7 ensure the usb-serial converter is certified for use with W7. The prolific chip set has been severely cloned and some converters will not run with W7.

Is there anyone out there using computer control of an original (gray optical tube) NexStar 8 (early 2000s)? The scope aligns and tracks objects just fine, and will slew to any object listed in the hand controller; so the scope itself is good.

I've tried Stellarium and Sky Chart. They both seem to recognize and connect to my NexStar 8, but for some reason will not cause it to slew to an object. (My physical connection is a Celestron  RS-232 cable with a serial-t0-USB adapter cable. Device Manager confirms a Prolific cable connection on COM3.)

Give a soon-to-be Old Geezer a break, and lend a bit of help...  please! Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated. I've already burnt out about a million brain cells trying to solve this problem; I don't have that many more to spare.


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Hi, I had similar wityh my Ioptron and GSO. I downloaded the latest version of Stellarium, and also a program called Stellarium scope. I start the Stellarium scope first and with the settings, it will start Stellarium and link to your mount.

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Ohh, ASCOM too, and ASCOM driver for your mount.

Thanks for your reply, kalasinman.

I have the ASCOM and ASCOM driver installed. Stellarium says the NexStar 8, with no additional drivers, is supported.

With SkyChart, I installed ASCOM and the Celestron drivers.

Hey! About 10 minutes ago, using SkyChart, I succeeded in slewing to Vega! But when I tried (as a test) to slew to Polaris, I got a time-out error. But it was progress!


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If you get continuous timeouts try reducing the com port speed.  Also check that the flow control is set the same .


Further progress: I changed the port setting to 'Hardware', and my scope is now slewing, but I've still seen one time-out error. If it happens again, I'll lower the baud rate and see if that helps.



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Having recently slain this particulat dragon, I know at least for me, it was a thrill to get this working. Good for you!

AARRGGHH! I spoke too soon! I had maybe 5 successful (?) slews, but today, with the same settings...  none. On a couple occasion my NexStar balked, putting up an error on the handset, "below the horizon" when I was tring to slew to Polaris, which is high in our sky in British Columbia, Canada.

So I'm back to pulling my hair out. Any suggestions?


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Are you using a Celestron scope and mount?  I used to control my previous CG5 GT with stellarium, but it's terribly basic compared to EQMod which controls the Skywatcher mounts.  

I seem to recall having to press something like Ctl 1 to move the scope.  So not much use if you want to control the mount from a remote computer, but was pleased to have at least achieved that at the time.  


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First, you're lucky to have hair to pull. ;-), second, just try this   http://www.bytearts.com/stellarium/

Latest vers of Stellarium important too. Another good thing about Stellarium scope is that it can start Stellarium in a windowed mode, so not always full screen.

Thanks again, kalasinman.

I installed Stellarium Scope, and started it after I had my NexStar 8 aligned; it was tracking the second alignment star; and then I activated RS-232.

I connected through Stellarium Scope, then started up Stellarium. But when I tried to slew to a new object (Polaris) I got an error message that Stellarium Scope could not work if tracking was active, and darned if I could not find how to stop tracking in Stellarium! "T" starts tracking, but it didn't stop tracking, and I could find no other command or keyboard shortcut. All I could do was unplug the RS-232 cable, and use the NexStar handset to stop tracking, then restore RS-232 and re-connect via Stellarium Scope. But that meant that Stellarium no longer my scope's orientation!!! So, of course, it wouldn't slew.

I feel I must be very close to success, but now I'm climbing the walls, bald!

Any further suggestions? Like, how do I stop tracking from within Stellarium? (A Net search did not turn up the info.)



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Are you using a Celestron scope and mount?  I used to control my previous CG5 GT with stellarium, but it's terribly basic compared to EQMod which controls the Skywatcher mounts.  

I seem to recall having to press something like Ctl 1 to move the scope.  So not much use if you want to control the mount from a remote computer, but was pleased to have at least achieved that at the time.  


Thanks, Carole,

Yes, I'm using a Celestron NexStar 8, gray optical tube, dates from early 2000s, and the Celestron base.

I need to get this working--IE, Old Dog Must Learn New Trick--because I've ordered an astronomy video camera that will arrive next month, and I want to control both mount and camera from my laptop.

I think I'm very, very close to success, but I need someone to cast a magic spell on my whole set up, and thereby provide the last missing piece of the puzzle!


Nanaimo, BC, Canada

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Is it really essential to need to control the mount from your laptop?  

I've been imaging for some 5 years now, and although I can use EQMod, I find it just as easy to use the handset and mostly don't bother with controlling the mount from the laptop.  

Also to be honest I sometimes find EQMod more difficult to use if I need to look through the finderscope to do an alignment as I never managed to get a wireless gamepad working (delayed reaction), so always have to use a mouse on a long cable to try to look through the finderscope this is tricky as well as I have nothing to put the mouse down on and am juggling a board or something trying to see through the eyepiece.  

I know others will disagree with me and of course I can't control the mount from a distance,  but quite honestly, I normally stay with the kit until the imaging starts and then retire to my inside computer to watch the subs roll in/change the filters, length of subs etc from the warm.

It is very rare that I need to change targets in the same evening.

i.e. my camera and guiding is controlled from the laptop, but my mount is controlled from the handset.  

Just a thought.


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Is it really essential to need to control the mount from your laptop?  

I've been imaging for some 5 years now, and although I can use EQMod, I find it just as easy to use the handset and mostly don't bother with controlling the mount from the laptop.  

Also to be honest I sometimes find EQMod more difficult to use if I need to look through the finderscope to do an alignment as I never managed to get a wireless gamepad working (delayed reaction), so always have to use a mouse on a long cable to try to look through the finderscope this is tricky as well as I have nothing to put the mouse down on and am juggling a board or something trying to see through the eyepiece.  

I know others will disagree with me and of course I can't control the mount from a distance,  but quite honestly, I normally stay with the kit until the imaging starts and then retire to my inside computer to watch the subs roll in/change the filters, length of subs etc from the warm.

It is very rare that I need to change targets in the same evening.

i.e. my camera and guiding is controlled from the laptop, but my mount is controlled from the handset.  

Just a thought.


Thanks again, Carole.

My main goal right now is to show our grandchildren (5,7, and 15) the wonders of the night sky. I've decided to go with video astronomy right now (astrophotography will follow soon). I've seen a demonstration wherein 15 objects--planets, moon, deep space items--were observed (via laptop screen, or 32" HDTV) in an hour or so viewing time. I would like to be able to have a grandchild choose something he/she wants to see, and have my scope slew over and show it to him/her.

So...  I want to get either Stellarium (and Stellarium Scope) or Cartes du Ciel (with Celestron plug-ins) up and working. I'd also like to keep everyone (grandkids, neighbours, friends) off the back deck where my scope is located in order to minimize vibration.. I have to put up with long cables no, but wifi is the way to go eventually, I'm thinking,

My NexStar is old, about 12 or 13 yrs; I'm beginning to think that the firmware is part of the problem. But I'm more than a bit chary about actually doing it. I don't want to end up with an expensive boat anchor!


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I must be within a hair of successfully using Stellarium + Stellarium Scope; almost everything seems to be working.

A remaining problem: when I request Stellarium to slew to a selected object, Stellarium Scope puts up an error message: "Your mount reports it is unable to use the slew feature.", as if this feature is turned off. But there's no setting in the hand control menu to activate/inactivate the slewing feature.

Any suggestions? Thanks,


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ASCOM active first. Turn on stellarium scope first. Tell it to always load stellarium. tell it to load stellarium in windowed mode. Don't open stellarium by itself. procedure is once scope loads stellarium, then in windowed stellarium when you click on something you should see an orange colored circle. If so, click ctrl1 hold down briefly and stuff should start happening. release keys and you'll see it slew. I don't have my kit going right now, and I just got this going myself so I might have messed it up a bit, but that's the idea.

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Thanks yet again, kalasinman!

My set up (review)

  • NexStar 8 (original gray optical tube)
  • Stellarium Ver. 0.13.1
  • StellariumScope Ver 2014.11.9.73
  • Dell Inspirion laptop, running Windows 10 beta

My start-up proceedure:

  • turn on NexStar
  • two-star alignment (daytime, so not fine tuned)
  • connect serial cable through cable adapter to USB port
  • start StellariumScope
    • ASCOM
    • Mount: ASCOM.Celarium.Telescope
    • Connected
    • Auto-start Stellarium
    • Windows view - 1024 x 768
    • Use: JNOW (I'm not familiar with this)
    • Slew, Sync and Cancel all enabled
    • Host: localhost
    • Status notes at bottom of window: all properly connected
  • If I search for Capella (my 2nd alignment star), my telescope aiming point is shown to be close
  • If I have left my scope tracking Capella after alignment, and:
    • Search for Polaris
    • Stellarium view slews, shows Polaris with rotating  icon
    • If I click on Polaris icon and press CTRL+1, StellariumScope shows error message, "Your mount reports it is unable to use the slew feature"
    • (I have also seen a StellariumScope error message, "Your scope must not be tracking or slewing. StellariumScope will now close")
  • If I use the hand controller to stop tracking after alignment, and repeat the above procedure, I get the same error message: "Unable to use the slew feature"​

In fact, the mount CAN use the slew feature, because if I run Sky Charts (Cartes du Ciel), but the scope slews to an entirely wrong position!

I must be doing something wrong. Can you spot my mistake, and get me properly 'aligned'?   ;-)

Thanks for your  encouragement and help.


(in far-away British Columbia, Canada)

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Hi Art. As you've said , looks very close. No promises here, but I believe after your star alignment you should start ASCOM first, then stellariumscope.

Do you have   http://astrofoto.extel.sk/temp/Celestron%20Driver.htm  ?  This page shows that on installation one can check a :show hand controller" option. This will allow a test of the ASCOM connection.

I am on Stellarium 0.13.3.

I have same stellarium scope

I am running win7 ultra64

When starting stellarium scope, check "connect" at startup.

In stellarium go to the "plugins" option. Scroll down bar on left and click "telescope control", then "configure". You should see your scope listed as " #1 , connected, local external, Scope 1"

Any changes necessary? re-boot before trying.

From a new great grandfather in not so sunny (rain season) N.E. Thailand--Jack

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Like many around here I'm only familiar with Skywatcher mounts, so (enter caveats here).

I use stellarium as a planetarium but for mount control Cartes du Ciel is far superior IMO. It's not as pretty to look at but works out of the box, never tried a celestron mount though.

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Hi Art. As you've said , looks very close. No promises here, but I believe after your star alignment you should start ASCOM first, then stellariumscope.

Do you have   http://astrofoto.extel.sk/temp/Celestron%20Driver.htm  ?  This page shows that on installation one can check a :show hand controller" option. This will allow a test of the ASCOM connection.

I am on Stellarium 0.13.3.

I have same stellarium scope

I am running win7 ultra64

When starting stellarium scope, check "connect" at startup.

In stellarium go to the "plugins" option. Scroll down bar on left and click "telescope control", then "configure". You should see your scope listed as " #1 , connected, local external, Scope 1"

Any changes necessary? re-boot before trying.

From a new great grandfather in not so sunny (rain season) N.E. Thailand--Jack

Hi kalasinman,

I'm not sure what you mean by "start ASCOM first". I've installed the ASCOM drivers, and the proper ASCOM set-up appears when I run StellariumScope.

Another point: although I checked 'Show hand controller', no separate window showing the hand controller buttons comes up. Could this be because my hand controller firmware is still the first version, not having been updated? I'm not sure that the firmware in the hand controller and the mound can be updated. Could you advise on this?

As I said earlier, if, after alignment, I leave my scope tracking Capella (and Stellarium shows my scope right on Capella), then, when I try to slew in Stellarium I get the error message, "Timed out waiting for received data. Stellarium Scope will now terminate. It is essential that you make sure your mount is not tracking or slewing."

But if after alignment I turn tracking off and RS-232 on, and try to sync on Capella, I get the same error message!

If I quit and restart StellariumScope and Stellarium, then search for, say, Polaris, and try to slew, StellariumScope shows a different error message, "Your mount reports it is unable to use the slew feature."

So it seems I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't!!

Lastly (and this might be one of the roots of all my problems), there's a not on the ASCOM somewhere that, "Original NexStar 5 & 8...  some features are not available", or words to that effect. Even Celestron's own NexRemote does not support the original NexStar 5 & 8. And I've gotten no further with Cartes du Ciel. So maybe I'm asking my poor old scope to do something it just can't do. (And my wife will probably shoot me--or at least move me into the garage--if I buy a new scope!)



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Like many around here I'm only familiar with Skywatcher mounts, so (enter caveats here).

I use stellarium as a planetarium but for mount control Cartes du Ciel is far superior IMO. It's not as pretty to look at but works out of the box, never tried a celestron mount though.

Hi Matt,

Yeah, I've pretty well concluded that my old NexStar mount is the source of all my woes when it comes to trying to set up computer control.


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