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AZ-EQ6 eqmod and sidereal tracking turning off


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Hello everyone,

Sorry if this is a problem already known and discussed, I'm new to the forum and still ploughing through all the interesting stuff here. My name is Vincent and I'm posting all the way from the Netherlands.

So my problem; it has to do with communication between EQMod and the mount. I have an AZ-EQ6 and have it set-up using EQMod, commands are being send correctly, PHD is able to make corrections etc. However, during PHD calibration and other more or less random times (but not during imaging fortunately), the sidereal tracking turns off! Yesterday I got it more consistent, I was creating a PEC training via EQMod and wanted to play it back, that however didn't work, it started to play and then turned sidereal tracking off. As if some signals are confusing each other or so.

Anyone ever seen this behaviour?

Thanks in advance!

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When you say siderel tracking stops, you mean switches off by itself on EQMOD?

Are you reaching a mount limit (horizon for example?)

Another long shot, but are you using a gamepad? Sometimes a button is mapped to a function in EQMOD and pressing said button unwittingly does something you didn't intend.

I use a wireless xbox pad, but sometimes, when the batteries are getting low, the mount just slews all by itself. I turn the pad off once I've found what I'm looking for, for that very reason.

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Indeed, I turn sidereal on in EQMod and there is where it's automatically turned off as well. Or, better said, it shows it's turned off. Something else may cause it as well ofcourse, but it was very consistent when pushing the sidereal+pec option. Which is why I think that something within EQMod is doing something funky. I have to say I don't start with any alignment after starting the mount, all I do with the computer.

I posted in more fora but didn't receive potential cause or even answers yet so my guess is I have something special going on.

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I do all the syncing using the computer, works great. But just to be sure I also did it by controller, didn't matter. As soon as I select PC direct mode, EQMod takes over and presents me with this problem still. I now tried updating the firmware, but to no avail unfortunately.

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Something I just now discovered. The EQMod simulator shows the same behaviour! That would mean it's not related to communication with the mount itself..

Good investigative skills. Please let us know what you eventually find to be the problem. :)

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Thanks. Still happens with a completely clean Windows 7 installation, fresh EQMod install, straight to the pec controls (so no drivers etc or connection to the mount) and bingo, still a no-go. Clearly a software issue, maybe a setting, but doesn't seem likely. I'm discussing it on the EQMod yahoo page, don't think they know about it either.

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Ok, if anyone gets this issue in the future. It was due to a problem with the recorded PEC file itself. I recorded it in the first night, but apparently it wasn't saved correctly. No file loaded, causes it to stop without notice.

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