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More from the 11th

David Smith

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Call me greedy today but with the forecast for the weekend not looking good you have to make the most of it :icon_porc:

Whilst shooting my close-ups this evening I noticed the seeing was a bit better than this morning so decided to shoot a second FD for the day. Glad I did, lots of activity since this mornings shot, including a nice new group. Also, the group exiting stage right has had a bit off a growth spurt and the faculae pre-ceeding it has brightened significantly

18098325743_c3ff656d8f_o.png20150611_PM by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

18096338574_fdc9bef4fc_o.png20150611_PMmono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Nicely done, David.

I am in club piggy too :icon_porc:

The dismal weekend forecast helped nudge me to set up on Friday morning despite it looking dodgy on sat24. There was some haze/thin high cloud about but I am glad I took it, nothing doing today it looks like.

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