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Lumicon OIII Oddity


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I seem to have got lucky with my Lumicons, both seem to have high band passes



Compared to a previous Skywatcher OIII I had it's about 10% higher by the looks


I'll check my coatings next time I have a chance

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 Those are some of the highest pass figures I've seen Stu :smiley:

My Lumicon O-III is in the 94-95% range.

So for my 8" the astronomik will be better suited?

I think either would work very well. Personally, I'd go for whichever came up at the lowest cost on the used market, being a used equipment fan :smiley:

Do remember that they work on nebulae rather than clusters or galaxies and some nebulae respond more than others. In my case, not being an avid DSO hunter, these things don't get much use but are well worthwhile when they do :smiley:

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