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Telsecopes make moving hard


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I've always been a master nomad. I took pride in my ability to pack up all my belongings into my truck and depart in a day. And I have, for the last 10 years I haven't lived in the same place for more than 2 years.

Yesterday however I was faced with a challenge. I am now the proud ower of a 10'' Dob. It fits fine in the truck, and it's not that it takes up that much space. The problem is that I won't put anything on top of it. So above it is all wasted space.

This is the first time in my life I haven't been able to carry the entirety of my possesions in one trip. Luckily my girlfriend has a car so she was able to help, but it's definetly a shift in lifestyle for me. I'm not sure how I feel about it... but I know if it comes to it, there are other things I'll get rid of before the scope!

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Here was me thinking that i had very few belongings in life. When i moved last year, it took me about 2-3 months to sell off (auction) some furniture i knew wouldnt fit in my new house. The rest of my stuff i wrapped and packed myself ready for moving day. The removal guys showed up with rolls of bubble wrap,boxes,tape etc and were amazed that there was not a single item left in the house for them to wrap. They jokingly asked me if i wanted a job as i'd done such a brilliant job.

I brought all my astro gear in the car with me on moving day. I simply didnt want anyone else lifting or transporting my gear.

I did almost forget to "pack" one thing when i moved.................my dog. She got locked in the old house and i'd already handed over the keys to the estate agent. Quick trip to the agents office to pick up the keys and get my dog back.

By far the most stressful day in my life. Everything went against me, through no fault of my own. I'm always calm,collected and plan things like a military operation. 

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'...Luckily my girlfriend has a car so she was able to help...' so she carried the Dob in her car???? :)

I can identify with Paul as well, I'm at that stage of getting rid of stuff preparatory for the move to the other hemisphere.  What has me jittery now is how to make sure the the 130 is going to be safe! :(

Let alone the cameras which I will have to take as carry on luggage! :(  That's not even thinking about computers, darkroom gear and the rest! :(

Austin, just wait until there are kids in tow and then the caravan stretches to the horizon...endlessly! :)

This next move for me is going to logistically fine but psychologically damaging!!!  :)  :)


It does make me think though, about the shorter OTA's available - in some ways I can appreciate them for the convenience and ease of transport.

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