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Scopes N Skies

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I think that your slightly mistaken about what people are upset about.

If i order and pay for something which is not in stock, I will wait. HOWEVER, I need to be informed of this (telescope house sent me a automatic standard email for example).

Also If there is a supplier delay , no problem but ,given that I have already paid I would like to know.

The phrase 'It has been sent today' is clearly a lie when it is spoken every other day for a week and then followed a further week later by the phrase 'We have not got it in yet, It shows 7-10 days on my computer' (this is in conversations with the same two people)

I telephoned and agreed that the firm would send me one item as immediately while I waited for the other. This was not done. Several days later the same conversation was had and the same result.

The third time one item was sent.

I was told on at least three occasions I would be called back within one hour I was never called. I was promised an email 'by tomorrow morning', I was not emailed.

This is not isolated the other complaints on this thread are similar.

Lies are lies and are not good business practice. I do not trust my money to someone who blatantly lies to me.


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It needs a sizeable portion of people giving positive experiences to counteract the negatives. Also, people who have had negative experiences will actively seek somewhere to voice them, and rarely the other way around. That is how the occasional poor service given by e.g. SnS is exaggerated beyond reality.

Saying that though, it is quite apparent that relative to some suppliers, they seem to turn out more dissatisfied customers.

I have already said it in this thread and I'm going to say it again - I have dealt with SnS on more than two occasions with good results. Their email service does leave something to be desired though.


Aye - but when these negatives appear over and over again and are never being corrected, surely that speaks for something? Otherwise I fully agree with your point.


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I agree with you Gaz.

With this in mind i am going to lock it as i am sure Xunil got the requested info.

Guys i am requesting that yo do not start any other threads just to keep this subject matter going.


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