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well that's it i have started recording what i see now even a little sketch been out and seen jupiter and all 4 moons 2 each side also seen venus i was astonished i saw it yet another feather in my cap also the fussy thing in orions sword could not make out the trepiezum though some kind neighbour switched his hallogen light on and let dog out so went to the front off my garage where it was proper dark and saw a double star in the big dipper think its alcor and mizar so i think i done good for a newbie roll on tomorrow night think the bug has got hold of me again cheers stephen

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Sounds like a great evening, congratulations!

'The boy done good' :)

Clouds\light rain here so only a quick gander at Venus for me: you obviously had some clear sky. Nice.

And I know it's a typo, but I like the description of M42 as a fussy object! The Trapezium will come in time - it's a sweet little group which I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing.

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In 30+ yrs of observing i have never planned an observing session or kept notes of what i have seen. To me that all seems too clinical and formal. For me the joy is getting out and discovering new things by happy accident. I'm not going anywhere in a hurry and neither is the universe. 

I just love being outside and aiming my scope(s) anywhere i feel and seeing what is there.

That to me is astronomy. I remember in the back of my mind everything i have seen.

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Well done quimby a great start and in the words of a song Things can only get better. Enjoy and good observing for the future.

I've just found a small colour photo poster of all messier objects on Amazon for a couple of quid. A good item to buy and stick on the wall and then Mark off as you see them.

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Quimby, what are you using to observe with? You're right the bug has bitten you and you'll have plenty of nights that'll come together.

hi there i am using a 700 x 76 zennox with a H20 and a 1.5x erector lens its only a cheap one hope to be getting a celestron 5se soon

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